The C-A-L-M Way To Have Courageous Conversations
False assumptions and unrealistic expectations are often the root cause of stress and tension. Conversations to address them are often not easy, but are vital to create healthy alignment in our relationships both at home and at work. Doing so in a C-A-L-M way is key.
The 4 Habits© for Inclusion and Belonging
Inclusion & belonging come from great relationships. This workshop equips you to “show up” better, have better conversations & achieve better outcomes, especially in your one-on-one interactions with people very different to you.
Inclusion starts with ME
Racism & inequality are not just issues “out there”. We each have a part to play in addressing these issues, especially in how we manage our one-on-one interactions with people who are very different to us. In a very real way, “Inclusion starts with ME”.
Redefining work/life balance for the New Normal
Going back to “normal” after Covid-19 would be a tragedy for a workforce that was already stressed and fatigued. Given that the lockdown experience has accelerated learning around remote and flexible working, we have an opportunity to press pause and re-think the rhythm of work, home and life. This webinar helps participants create healthy boundaries and re-imagine a more sustainable work/life balance for the “future normal”.
The 4 Habits© for Great Relationships at work & home
Where relationships are strong, people find a way to overcome obstacles. Where relationships are weak, people often become the obstacles. Strong relationships improve resilience, wellbeing and performance.
The 4 Habits© for Leaders
From conducting effective performance reviews and giving feedback/coaching through to supporting people’s wellbeing, successful leadership rests on a Manager’s ability to develop quality relationships with direct reports.
The 4 Habits© for Exec Teams/Board Members
The success of any business rests on the ability of the Exec Team to work together effectively and remain aligned in the pursuit of their strategic purpose. Strong relationships deliver strong results.
Creating Healthy Boundaries
In today’s 24/7 always-on culture, incessant demands on our time, energy and attention exact a huge price in stress, burnout and damaged relationships – unless people know how to create and manage healthy boundaries. In this workshop, we help participants reduce stress and improve wellbeing and performance by improving how they manage home-work-life tensions.
Staying Connected across distance
Staying emotionally connected with your partner and maintaining mutual support despite distance and extended time apart
Making WORK-FROM-HOME Work For You
Working from home successfully requires learning to manage expectations, negotiate boundaries and develop supportive relationships both at home and at work