The 4 Habits© for Leaders

The 4 Habits© for Leaders

Modelling Strong Relationships at work AND at home

In today’s New Normal of significantly increased working-from-home, the pressure is on Managers & Team Leads to step up in their ability to lead with both compassion and confidence.  

Everyone is experiencing their version of pandemic fatigue, loss of social interaction anxiety about the future and managing the “bleed” of work into home life.  Now more than ever, success depends on leaders’ ability to model great relationships in all their interactions at work and at home.  

From conducting effective performance reviews, giving feedback or coaching, through to supporting people’s wellbeing and work/life balance, leaders must be equipped with the Relational Intelligence to cross the perceived personal / professional divide and connect with people on a more human level.  For many, this is a new level of expertise to develop, while simultaneously managing their own struggles and concerns. Yet the need has never been greater.

This workshop equips Managers and Team Leads to “turn up” well to ALL their relationships, build strong, supportive networks around them, and achieve remarkable results by modelling a relationship-centred approach.


  • understand and respect different personalities, workstyles and approaches so they can leverage each other’s strengths and compensate for weaknesses (Habit #1: Be CURIOUS, not critical),
  • be able to anticipate inevitable conflict and manage it well so they use conflict constructively to strengthen relationships and make better decisions (Habit #2: Be CAREFUL, not crushing)
  • be able to develop shared perspectives and vulnerability around core values and assumptions so they create relationships of mutual trust and respect (Habit #3: ASK, don’t assume)
  • know how to build strong rapport and emotional connection through communicating value and appreciation in meaningful ways (Habit #4: CONNECT, before you correct)
  • be able to create more supportive, relationship-centred work cultures in their teams 
  • be equipped to change their own behaviours where necessary and develop stronger relationships at work, at home and in life.

Two men in blue button up shirts sit and look at a tablet screen while drinking coffee.
Time: Two 3-hour Workshops

This workshop is led by Jonathan and Andrea Taylor Cummings

To enquire about this Workshop, or how we can put together a bespoke programme for your particular context and needs then talk directly to Jonathan or Andrea.



Relationship breakdown and the workplace - YouGov Research Report

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