Often, we talk about the issues of racism, inequality and systemic injustice as if they are only problems “out there” to be solved. Over the years, the UK has made valiant inroads through our attempts to address equality, unconscious bias, diversity, inclusion and belonging. However, as long as the solution to the problem lies outside the individual – with government, with legal systems, with a diversity and inclusion department, with affinity groups for “them” – we cannot get much further.
Ultimately, inclusion is about relationships. Inclusion and belonging – or the lack of them – are experienced in the quality of each one-on-one interaction with someone very different to us. In a very real sense, inclusion starts with ME.
Genuine change that counters racism and promotes inclusion will occur when we each take personal responsibility for how we “show up” in our interactions with people who are different to us. We each need to get better at building meaningful relationships across difference.
Many people want to make a change but don’t know where to start. This webinar will show you how.
In 60mins, participants will learn practical steps to help change their behaviours from habits that damage relationships to habits that strengthen relationships, based on the 4 Habits of ALL successful relationships. These 4 habits are so fundamental that they continue to resonate around the world through our TEDx talk of the same title (now with 1.2mil+ views) and are as relevant to the issue of inclusion as they are to building strong, supportive relationships at work and home.
Participants will leave feeling more empowered to build relationships across difference and to influence others to do the same. Topics to be covered include:
- understanding difference in cultures and approaches and learning to give people “space and grace” while finding strength in differences (Habit #1: Be CURIOUS, not critical),
- learning to “choose battles” and understanding how to treat people well in conflict situations so relationships are strengthened rather than damaged (Habit #2: Be CAREFUL, not crushing)
- understanding different core values that drive our behaviour and that relationships of trust and respect are built by learning to ask and discuss, rather than assume and stereotype (Habit #3: ASK, don’t assume)
- learning to listen without judgment and to build strong rapport and connection through communicating value and appreciation in meaningful ways (Habit #4: CONNECT, before you correct)