The C-A-L-M Way To Have Courageous Conversations

A split image showing a man talking to a second man on a Zoom call and a couple sat talking on a sofa.

False assumptions and unrealistic expectations are often the root cause of stress and tension. Conversations to address them are often not easy, but are vital to create healthy alignment in our relationships both at home and at work. Doing so in a C-A-L-M way is key.

Inclusion starts with ME

2 women both wearing smart office wear and holding coffees smile at 2 colleagues.

Racism & inequality are not just issues “out there”. We each have a part to play in addressing these issues, especially in how we manage our one-on-one interactions with people who are very different to us. In a very real way, “Inclusion starts with ME”.

Redefining work/life balance for the New Normal

A woman in work-out gear sits on the floor surrounded by her laptop, calculator, glasses and a pen and paper.

Going back to “normal” after Covid-19 would be a tragedy for a workforce that was already stressed and fatigued. Given that the lockdown experience has accelerated learning around remote and flexible working, we have an opportunity to press pause and re-think the rhythm of work, home and life. This webinar helps participants create healthy boundaries and re-imagine a more sustainable work/life balance for the “future normal”.

Reducing Workplace Conflict

Reducing workplace conflict

Conflict is inevitable so we must each learn to “do conflict well” and strengthen rather than damage relationships

“Virtually” Stress-free: wellbeing & productivity

A woman waves at her laptop screen as a man on the Zoom call waves back.

Beyond the technology, successful remote and virtual working depends on the ability to keep people feeling connected and involved, despite the distance

In this session, we help team leads, managers and virtual/remote workers to establish great rapport, play to their collective strengths, negotiate boundaries and deliverables, communicate value and appreciation and build relationships of mutual trust and respect so performance is enhanced, despite the distance.

Relationship breakdown and the workplace - YouGov Research Report

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