Inclusion Starts With ME

2 women both wearing smart office wear and holding coffees smile at 2 colleagues.

Ultimately, inclusion comes down to the quality of our 1-on-1 relationships. This blog outlines what can be done to improve relationships, on purpose.

Supporting Employees and their Relationships through Covid-19 lockdown

A hand ticks off boxes on a screen indicating a work-from home check list

(Updated 23 Apr 2020) These are unprecedented times of rapid change and uncertainty, as everyone “battens down the hatches” at home.  By now, most organisations already have a good start on the technology and practicalities to support this.  Any others that plan to survive won’t be far behind. For the vast majority of employees however, this […]

Addressing Workplace Conflict BEFORE conflict arises

A group of four asian men sit around a conference table with charts and a laptop. Two of the men are arguing.

A quick conversation over lunch recently confirmed the impact and ripple effect of workplace conflict and why it costs UK plc upwards of £33bn per year. A friend described her intense frustration with a colleague who seemed to be intentionally dragging her feet in providing information needed to respond quickly to clients and win business […]

The case for investing in Relational Wellbeing

A bright green chart on the screen and a man behind it.

Sustainability for the future is a topical concern – and quite rightly so. But while we focus on the things we must do to rescue our planet, what else do we need to focusing on to rescue ourselves – and those around us? In today’s 24/7 always on culture, with flexible working invading the safe […]

Creating a Culture Of Support

Success in the future will be achieved by organisations that create a culture of support for employees through the different seasons of their lives – beyond just supporting the traditional employee life-cycle to supporting their “real-life” cycle. This is one of three blogs looking at shifts in mindsets, behaviours and cultures required for future-proofing businesses. […]

Creating a Culture of Healthy Boundaries

Recent research examined the correlations between work pressure, relationship breakdown at home and productivity in the workplace. The results confirm that high-pressure jobs have a negative impact on home relationships; when home relationships break down, performance on the job is affected.  What we didn’t know was the stark reality and the extent of the issue.  High-earners […]

Creating a Culture Of Collaboration

A blonde woman sits talking to a suited man on a Zoom call.

Collaboration and the ability to partner with other teams/organisations are now high on the list of skills required to future-proof businesses. However, the real results will come from creating a culture of collaboration – especially learning to partner effectively across healthy personal and professional boundaries. Ultimately, it is about the relationship-centred behaviour changes that leaders […]

Should employers help with relationship problems?

A man and woman hold hands.

Spoiler alert – the short answer is ‘yes’. Companies should help people with their domestic romantic relationships. And here’s why it’s appropriate and necessary… Research by YouGov reveals that relationship problems at home are having a really big impact on how the UK’s high-earners are performing at work. The research shows that more than 40% […]

Relationship issues are blighting productivity…

Portrait of offended young woman ignoring her angry partner sitting behind her on the couch at home.

Does your boss know that relationship issues at home are damaging productivity at work? In a word, no. Companies do not know that relationship issues are damaging workplace productivity. That’s because they don’t know everything that is going on in your head. It might feel like your boss can see right into your soul, but […]

Mental Health & Relational Health – At What Cost?

A young man sits alone with his head in his hands.

Common sense would tell you that fundamental and long-lasting mental health issues are going to damage workplace productivity more than shorter-term relationship issues. But that is not to say that these shorter-term relationship problems do not have a significant impact – and, very often, relationship problems are the actual trigger for the worsening of an […]

Relationship breakdown and the workplace - YouGov Research Report

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