Not everybody wants flowers!
One couple we worked with (let’s call them Evie & Jim) shared about a major blowout they had one Valentine’s Day. Things had been a little tense in the relationship, partly because money was tight. Jim had been made redundant and Evie wasn’t yet back on a full-time income given her extended maternity leave while […]
Five boundaries for PEACE-ful working from home
Back in 2004, psychologist Cliff Arnall came up with a formula for the January blues, singling out the third Monday in the New Year as the most depressing. Blue Monday was born! His reasoning – by then, the weight of the cold winter days, the guilt of already broken New Year’s resolutions, and the reality […]
NEW NORMAL? Making WFH, Work-For-You.
The option to work more flexibly and from home has been available for a while and many have embraced it. However, the recently enforced requirement to work from home following the rapid spread of Covid-19, raises a whole set of challenges for those new to the situation. Beyond getting the technology and the new physical […]
Redefining Work-Life-Balance in the New World of Work
In every challenge there is an opportunity… and the current Covid-19 pandemic is no exception. Once we have dealt with the pressing needs around moving work home (and assuming we can get past the health and financial implications), it seems we have a real opportunity to reflect, examine and choose a “new normal” for our […]
Five ways to survive WFH with your partner
We have been banging on for the last three years about why it is vital to strengthen home relationships so people can be more emotionally healthy and productive at work. Overnight, with the mass move to work-from-home in response to Covid-19, this message has become acute. For some people this will be the first time […]
Scheduling First Things First
Purpose If, like me, you work-from-home and have a constant challenge juggling work, home-life, priorities and to do lists, then this scheduling exercise is for you. It will help you prioritise things so that you end every day/week feeling like you’ve achieved most, if not all, of the really important things without compromising your values. […]
Staying emotionally connected with your teens!
This year, the theme for #MentalHealthAwareness Week in the UK is “Body Image”. As the Mental Health Foundation rightly put it, Body Image issues can affect all of us at any age. And given that our body image can impact the way “we feel”, which can in turn impact our sense of self and mental health, […]
Relationship Tips for Partners in Life & Business
Have you ever worked together with your partner or a close family member? If so, you’ll know the grit it takes to deal with the extra relationship dynamic that enters the frame when you mix home and work life and the fact that the challenges you face in the workplace often follow you home! We […]
Shall we talk… about money?
It’s (been) National Conversation Week this week, March 18th – 24th and, this year, the focus has been on encouraging people to talk about finances. Good call. Money challenges or issues over finances are one of the most commonly articulated reasons for relationships falling apart. We need to get better at having this conversation. Of course, not having […]
The 4 Habits of ALL Successful Relationships
A little while ago we ticked a major box on the bucket list – delivering a TEDx talk! Unusually (at least for TED talks!) we presented as a couple, living out our message that by proactively building great relationships we get to reap the benefits that come from improved productivity, wellbeing and work-life balance. This was a […]