Join us for this session and, in just 45 mins, learn:
How every relationship faces misunderstandings.
How our differences can, in fact, be great strengths to draw on.
How to thrive in a relationship (at work or at home) with someone who thinks very differently to you!
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What's involved and included
Join us online from wherever you are.
We’ll talk about The 4 Habits of ALL successful relationships, from our 25 yrs’ experience of teaching them.
We’ll share the detail around developing Habit #1: Be CURIOUS, not critical.
We’ll talk a little about our charity work.
You’ll gain FREE access to the whole 4 Habits course due for release before Christmas.
Who should attend
Quite simply anyone in any kind of relationship.
Whether you're partnered or single.
In a family with or without children.
Work with colleagues - in person or remotely.
Happy with your friends, or maybe really wanting new ones.
What you will get out of attending
Most importantly, new insights and skills that will make a difference in your relationships from today.
Introduction to Habit #1 : Be CURIOUS , not critical.
Invitation to the FREE full 4 Habits online course
Encouragement to continue developing your own relational intelligence.
Go ahead and save your space now >>>
Go ahead and
save your space now
[webinarpress_registration id="2813"]
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